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Sunday, November 25, 2007

The Wildest Superhero of Them All

Remember the Human Fly? No? That's okay, I seemed to have missed him too back in the 70s. Recently, I found the entire series run of Marvel's "The Human Fly" in good condition at Wonderland Comics in Fresno and snapped up the collection for under thirty bucks.

All I can say is I loved it. It only took me one weekend to burn through the 19 issues, but it left me wishing there had been more to the series. Because the character was such a departure from the typical spandex-wearing hero set, I found him intriguing. Also, he was based on a real person, stuntman Rick Rojatt. How cool is that? (sorry for stealing your line, Rachel Ray).

If you can track down this comic in your neighborhood, or online and you enjoy 70s era Marvel, I highly recommend buying the Human Fly. See how a common man without extraordinary ability manages to make his way through the Marvel universe while contending with criminals and conmen, superheroes and villains, to become the wildest hero of them all.

1 comment:

Faff said...

I'm glad to see I'm not the only one with fond memories of this book. It's one of the few from the seventies I really remember with any fondness, Bill Mantlo's stories had that sort of Scooby Doo sense of fun to most of them and the art by Lee Elias, Bob Lubbers and Frank Springer was superb.

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